Monday, June 29, 2009

Our first day in DC

Sunday morning we packed up the van and drove 10 hours to Arlington, VA where we spent our first night of vacation. This morning we packed up again and headed to DC. We are staying just a few blocks away from the capital and the mall. Our first stop was the Smithsoniam museum of natural history. Here are some moments from the day:
A bird pooped in corey's hair--notice the white spot--so i had to snap a picture; he was pretty mad.

The oldest living fossil by the oldest natural fossil. :) I love you mom!

Eaten by a shark!!! Oh no!!

Eating a snack and waiting to go into the museum.

Here is a cool picture from the metro right before my first ride. It is not bad if you are sitting but i got a little motion sickness when I had to stand...i guess it beats driving and trying to park downtown.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Real Life

I feel like a real adult and I am longing to be back in my Auburn bubble! I am working two jobs and love what I do but it is exhausting. Today I worked from 7:00 am to 9pm with a 2 hour break somewhere in the middle. Did I mention that I'm exhausted??

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Yesterday I visited a Buddy, Ame, who was admitted to UAB and had a tricuspid valve replacement surgery. She is recovering well with the help of her friends and family and is encouraged by the cards, balloons, and flowers she has received.

Ame is probably the sweetest person I know. She has down's syndrome but that has never slowed her down when it comes to being a great friend. Before her surgery she had to go in to have her heart looked at. When Ame woke up, she knew the doctor had been looking in her heart. The first thing she asked the doctor was "When you were looking in my heart did you see Jesus in there?" The doctor replied, "Ame, every time I see you I see Jesus in your heart."