Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Doubting Thomas

I love the girls in my major! They are all unique and there are different clusters of girls that have more in common, but overall they are amazing! It has been my prayer over the past semester to really develop a love for these girls since I am with them in every class and at practicum and working on projects between all that. God has definitely been at work over the past semester. Although it has been a slow, long, and gruelling process, it is worth it to have such good relationships with the people I spend almost all of my waking moments with.

One of the things that I love most about these girls is that they are all broken like me. They all need to be reminded that God's grace is sufficient enough to fill the void left by never being appreciated or relationships that have left them feeling empty and bitter. I never thought that I would say or even think this but....I am so thankful for the trials that God has allowed me to endure because it has allowed me to connect with these girls in incredible ways. I have been there--experienced loss and heartbreak and abandonment--and God has opened my eyes to say that his plan is so much greater than anything I ever had/have planned for myself and his love for me is greater than all the love any man could give to me.

Thank you God for loving me despite my unbelief. I believe in my head most of the time but not always in my heart. Even when I don't believe, let your grace and love flow through me to those who need to be reminded of your majesty and authority.

I really love the song Doubting Thomas by Nickel Creek (listen to it on my playlist) because it describes these feeling of unbelief more eloquently than I ever could. Here are some of the lyrics:
....As I show the blind and tell the deaf about his power,
I'm a doubting thomas,I can't keep my promises,
'Cause i don't know what's safe,oh me of little faith
Can I be used to help others find truth....I'm a doubting thomas,
I'll take your promise,Though I know nothin's safe,Oh me of little faith


Anonymous said...

Amen and pass the collection plate. I'm amazed at the kids God has allowed me to be trained by.