Sunday, December 28, 2008

In need of prayer

Today, immediately after church, I was informed that my best friend up through Jr High School was killed in a car accident. Mallori Whisenhunt Harper was thrown from her car after it flipped on hwy 174 between pell city and odenville. Her 2 young children (bailey-2yrs and harris-3yrs) were in the car with her. Bailey came away with minor cuts after escaping from her seat and crawling into a nearby yard. Harris is currently in the ICU with multiple injuries. Among his injuries are bruised and swollen eyes, a punctured lung, and shattered leg bones.
Mallori was the oldest of 4 kids. Her siblings are Blaine, Andrew, and Abby. She was living at home with them her mom, kim, and her stepdad, kevin, and her two kids. Mallori just turned 22 years old last week.
Praise the Lord that her 2 babies are ok but the whole situation is a mess. There are so many things for which I would covet your prayers.
1. Mallori was in the middle of a divorce and custody battle. For this you could pray that Mallori's mother would receive custody of the children since the children's father's job requires him to be gone weeks at a time.
2. Pray that the custody battle would not get ugly.
3. Pray for rest for the family as they grieve. Grieving is so exhausting but it is so hard to turn your mind off and actually rest.
4. Pray that the family would find strength in God and know that they can make it through this trying time. It definitely will not be of their own strength. Words cannot describe how it feels to look back on the hardest experience of your life and realize that God was and is powerful enough to bring you through it.
5. Pray for peace for the family--that they won't blame themselves for anything and that they will be able to slowly move forward without dwelling on the accident and what they could have done differently.
6. This last request is a little selfish, but pray for me. Pray that God would use me to be a comfort to this family. Also pray that God would grant me peace as this situation brings back a lot of memories from the loss of Rachael and as I mourn the loss of my friend Mallori.
Thank you for your prayers!


Jawan said...

Oh, Laura....I'll surely lift up the family and the children in my prayers throughout the night and tomorrow day.

Burt said...

we're praying

Anna said...

Laura, I just found your blog and I love it. It was so good to chat with you for a few minutes on Sunday - I said a prayer for you and this family and will be thinking about y'all.

Kelley said...


I am Rocky Harper's mother you had no right to post anything about him.
His children need him now more than ever.
Yes his job required him to be out of town, but since the accident he has decided to take a job in town so he can be home with his children every night.
As a "Christian Woman" you should not be praying and asking for prayers that these children be taken from their father.
You know nothing about Rocky or the split up with Mallori. I loved Mallori and was very upset when she left, but she left on her own. She made that decision herself. There was no custody battle, I don't know who told you that but they were wrong. Rocky took care of his children while they lived with him and after. He had the children 2-3 days a week, some weeks more if his job allowed.
He also made sure they had money to get everything they needed.
The next time you post something about someone make sure you get the facts straight first.
Sunday you need to ask the congregation at your church to pray for you, add a few of your own for yourself because you need them.
Judge not lest ye be judged.

Kelley said...

I would also like to add that Rocky's job did not take him out of town for weeks he was home every weekend. He worked and provided for his family like a father should.
If he had to keep the job he has what makes you think Kim is a better person to keep Harris and Baylie than I am? You don't even know how to spell Baylie's name so don't act like you know what is going on here. It's people like you that make the grieving process even harder.

Anonymous said...

This is without a doubt very sad! I will be praying, I didnt know her personally just some common friends! All of the family will be in my prayers! I do however agree with Kelly, the posting about the kids dad should be takin down! It should not be put on display for the whole world! The children dont need to see that when they get older, be civil for the kids!! In my heart and prayers

Anonymous said...

It would be more respectful to the memory of your friend Mallori, to not publish personal information about their family anyway. It would seem to me that whatever is "really" going on is none of your concern. Those children are their father's. God will watch and protect them and help their Daddy. You should pray for strength and unity for the whole family, not publishing questionable comments about their personal situation that may or may not even be correct.

REBEL GIRL said...

Mallori was my half sister. She was a very good mother, and Rocky was a very good father.. I dont know if you knew Rocky or not, but if u didnt you had no right to say that harris and baylie should go to kim. It would not be right for anyone to take his kids away from him.. They just lost there mom, they dont need to be without a dad either..Everytime i see Baylie and Harris they are always asking about there mommy. They will look up to the sky and wave and blow kisses to there mommy.. So in my opinion Rocky is the only one that should have them..