Sunday, November 1, 2009

Pumpkins, Costumes, & Parties! Oh My!

My weekend started out with a Halloween party hosted by the pastor of my new church. he is an amazing guy with a huge heart for this city. Here he is as Daddy Warbucks with his daughter as Annie.

I attended dressed as the Swine Flew. Here I am with my new friend and study buddy, Holly.

Saturday night I attended a birthday party downtown then headed to Frenchman street where the real party was. :) I am told that this is mild compared to Mardi Gras! I can't even imagine as I was holding onto someone's shirt while they pulled me through the crowd. Wow!

Me and a couple girls from church--I had such a wonderful time getting to know more about the people I worship with!Today for All Saints Day, I got home in time to walk to a nearby cemetary. Supposedly, today is the day when families come out to clean up the graves and remember relatives that have passed. It is so cool to walk around, read the headstones, and try to imagine what kind of lives these people lived.
This tomb in particular freaked me out. Notice that there is a brick missing and you can see directly into the tomb.
I know there are no such things as zombies but... let's seal that sucker up just for the heck of it!

What a fun weekend building relationships and enjoying my new home!