Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Celebrate Good Times!

As many of you may know, New Orleans has experienced an amazing victory with the Saints going to the Superbowl for their first time EVER--over 40 years without a winning season. It has been incredible to see how something like a winning football season can transform a city. It truly is a picture of heaven.
The night after the Saints won the championship game I went down to Bourbon St to celebrate with my fellow New Orlinians. We drove down Canal st with our hands out the window giving high fives to Saints fans and Vikings fans. Everyone was going crazy! Even with all of the madness, cops noted the following morning that there were no crimes, vandalisms, fights, etc called in that night. Wow! Even today I read an article about how the homicide rate has declined after the Saints started the playoffs. It is speculated that this common purpose of rooting for the Saints and celebrating their victories has had something to do with this but who knows. It is so hard to put into words how this winning has changed New Orleans but I truly believe that it has given the city a goal and a purpose, no matter how cheasy that may sound.

Go Saints! Who Dat!