Tuesday, April 13, 2010

French Quarter Festival

The French Quarter Festival is Louisiana's largest free music event, a three-day local music showcase scattered throughout the French Quarter in New Orleans, Louisiana. There are music performances on 17 stages which feature every genre from gospel to jazz, from funk to classical, from Cajun & zydeco to brass band. The community festival also features the "World's Largest Jazz Brunch," which are the festival food booths operated by nearly 70 local chefs and restaurants throughout the festival weekend. Here are some of the highlights:
Mary Anna and I sitting at one of the Riverwalk stages on Sunday.

Mardi Gras Indians. Really neat tradition and history. They only dress out three times a year--Mardi Gras day, St Joseph's day, and Super Sunday (and for concerts). This tribe is called the Wild Magnolias. 

Saturday I spent some time at the festival with a family from church. These are their two adorable kiddos making funny faces after I asked the to smile. Haha!