Saturday, July 7, 2007

I am ready for the week to start! Sunday we have 300 volunteers coming in and they will be here until Friday night or saturday morning. This past week was a semi calm week because we only had 110 volunteers. All of the volunteers were gone by this morning so I was able to put their tools up, go shopping, and then head to the beach. We also have 2 interns from last summer that came back to help in the tool crib so this week is going to be smooth sailing. :)

Lagniappe has about 400 active work orders (meaning we are in the process of getting material and workers for these jobs) and another 400 work orders in our computers that we will hopefully get to soon. Lagniappe is also building several houses fully funded and worked on by Lagniappe volunteers. We have started building 3 of these houses. One is being framed this week and the other house is getting a foundation. Our third house just got approved so teams will be clearing the land to prepare for the foundation. It is so encouraging to see these houses coming along!