Friday, April 9, 2010

March Madness

The month of March was crazy! I went to a good friend's wedding, Jordan came to visit, I went to visit my mom's family, the rest of my family came to visit, then spring break, and another good friend came to visit. Whew!! I can't believe it is April already.

My friend Alicia got married! Alicia was one of the girls in my program at Auburn and we all developed a bond as we experienced the trials of earning our degree. The night before her wedding another one of the special ed girls got engaged. Hooray!
Jordan and I at the St Patty's day block party near my house. My little brother is so big!
St Louis Cathedral in the French Quarter
Beignets at Cafe du Monde. Part of the whole Beignet experience is wiping off the powdered sugar all over you. :)

Sunset on the Mississippi river
Katrina and Sarah snuggled together on a deflating air mattress