Sunday, May 27, 2007


This week I got to use a blow torch! I love working in the tool shed! We have been learning all about the tools. The first couple of times we were getting tools for the teams we had to ask them to come into the shed with us so they could show us which tools were which. And then on Saturday we were shown how to use a blow torch! We cut a bunch of rebar for a team that is working on laying a foundation and now all we have left to do is bend the rebar. It was so fun using the blowtorch! I felt so powerful!
Sunday we went to the beach after church and I got burned even though I put on SPF 30. The fun thing about Lagniappe is that we are a little over a mile from the beach and from downtown Bay St Louis. There aren’t many shops open downtown, but there are several cute ones that I hope to visit. Most importantly, there is a cute little coffee shop that we got gift certificates to on our first day here. There are some bikes in the back of the tool shed and one day when we aren’t so busy, I want to ride bikes downtown.
I'm trying to make myself go to bed by 10:30 so I won't be tired all day, but it is hard. I am much more of a night person than a morning person. All this to say, it is past my bedtime and I'm making myself go to sleep. Night Night!


quinn said...

i'm excited for you. also a little jealous. i love working in a shop with cool tools. metal work is my favorite.
there's just something about manipulating pieces of metal into something useful or something beautiful.
have fun this summer.