Friday, May 25, 2007


Today was our first full day of working and I am so tired. Lights out time for the teams at Lagniappe is at 10pm and that rule doesn't really apply to interns. However, I am going to have to make myself go to bed early because I am not much of a morning person.
As interns, we are supposed to have "rah-rah" to energize the teams who come in on a weekly basis. In the mornings my "rah-rah" level on a scale from 1 to 10 is about a 1.3. I can force a smile but I prefer not to talk to anyone until I've had a couple of cups of coffee.
Some of the ideas we've had to boost the "rah-rah" in the tool crib is to have Karaoke days where you have to sing your favorite song in order to check out your tools. Another fun idea is bagpipe day, where one of the "crib girls", Danielle, will play her bagpipe and perform a little concert before they can get their tools. I'm pretty excited about all this but please let me know if you have any other ideas!


Laura said...

I'm not a morning person, either, Laura, and if I had to endure rah-rah every morning before getting my tools I might become surly. Maybe y'all can evaluate the teams you serve, and if they seem to not be enjoying an early morning pep rally, just hand them their tools and a strong caffeinated beverage...