Thursday, January 21, 2010

The city of Indulgence

At community group this week we were talking about living in New Orleans and how we can be "resident aliens". I wasn't exactly sure how to verbalize the difficulties of living in this city and yet standing apart from non-believers until someone else in the group mentioned that NOLA is a "city of indulgence". It takes what is beautiful and meant to be celebrated and turns it into gluttony.
The pastor at my church has said that New Orleans is one of the best pictures of heaven...and hell. We are always celebrating, enjoying the company of others, eating, drinking, enjoying music, art, and the other cultural gifts of this city and yet these things can be taken to the extreme--not to mention the politics and general poverty and crime of the city.
I have mixed emotions about living here as it is one of the most unique and culturally rich places I have ever been, but it is also a broken place where you cannot hide from the constant reminder that this world is not our home. I am encouraged and exhausted by this reminder. There is so much work that needs to be done to restore this city and it is easy to get caught up in thinking that the redemption of this city relies on me when I know that anything I do will be a minor drop in the bucket. God is mighty! PRAISE the Lord that he is our salvation--not me.